Local Amelia Connections

Atchison, KS

The birthplace of Amelia Earhart honored her with a new bridge that opened on 12/4/12. The 4 lane structure spans the Missouri River.

Raleigh, NC Connection

A Raleigh crowd, who in 1931 had not yet seen a helicopter (they weren't on the scene for a few years still) and were only a few years removed from the Wright Brothers first flight, were fascinated when the famous aviatrix Amelia Earhart "dropped in" in her Beech-Nut Autogiro.

Arriving in an autogiro, the first aircraft of the sort to be seen in Raleigh, Miss Earhart literally dropped down on the field. Other planes may hover and swoop and glide over the field, but the autogiro with a whirl of its propeller, made a vertical descent and came to rest close by the airport hangar, a strange looking air visitor.

Duluth, Minn Connection

Picture: Amelia Earhart wearing the same flight jacket she wore speaking in Duluth. (Image: Public Domain)

On this day in Duluth in 1935, Amelia Earhart visited the Zenith City, staying at the Holland House Hotel and entertaining a large crowd at the Duluth Armory that evening. Donning a brown flying jacket and “slacks,” Miss Earhart was described by the Duluth Herald as “even more cordial than she has been pictured.” While in Duluth, the aviatrix made bold predictions about the future of air travel, saying that “the day is not distant when a businessman will fly to and from his office or take his wife shopping in a $700 plane.” ($700 in 1935 is roughly equivalent to $11,000 today.) (Click here to see article at Zenith City Online)

Picture: Amelia Earhart visits Stewart Airpark, Parkersburg, WV 10-30-36. Grand Central Shopping Mall now sits on the 80 acre site. Amelia is shown with Wade Stewart and Stewart's pilot, Jay Sadowski. Copyrighted photo used with permission of Paul Borrelli, Photographer's son.

West Virginia Connection

Amelia Earhart flew into Stewart Air Park on Oct 30, 1936 and made many friends in Parkersburg, WV when she praised the size and condition of the runway. She encouraged the growth of West Virginia through aviation and predicted that small aircraft for private use had a bright future. This visit was about seven months before her last and final around the world flight. (Click here to see article from archives)

Newark, NJ Connection

Picture: Amelia Earhart’s Lockheed Vega 5B used on her non-stop LA, Calif to Newark, NJ flight in 1932

In 1932, Amelia Earhart embarked on a 19-hour flight from Los Angeles to Newark, N.J., making her the first woman to fly solo, nonstop, from coast to coast.

Speaking of Newark, I heard this today.

A friend of mine, Vito, told his friend, Sal, that since he moved to Florida he misses Newark: the great bakeries, real Italian sausage and peppers sandwiches, pizza and more. So, Sal, the good friend that he is, went over to Vito’s house, broke his car window, stole his cd player and slashed his tires. He put a note on Vito’s steering wheel. “Does this help your homesickness?”

Maybe a little harsh, you say. Well, I was born in Newark a long time ago when it was a booming, vital transportation and business hub. I am saddened to watch its slide into a crime-ridden urban nightmare. Amy

Newfoundland, Canada Connection

Picture: Getty Images, Amelia Earhart stands in front of her bi-plane called "Friendship" in Newfoundland, Canada, June 14, 1928

Read more:

Oakland, California Connection

Picture: KEYSTONE / HULTON ARCHIVE / GETTY IMAGES, The Lockheed Electra 'Flying Laboratory', piloted by American aviator Amelia Earhart flies over the Golden Gate bridge in Oakland, Calif., March 17, 1924.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/08/20/photos-amelia-earhart-before-her-mysterious-disappearance/#ixzz25FZHHlGI

Ulster, Northern Ireland Connection

Picture: On May 23, 1932, Amelia Earhart, who became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, in a record-setting time of 15 hours, 40 minutes, is escorted from her plane by a policeman through an adoring crowd in Ulster, Northern Ireland.

First Woman to Fly Across the Atlantic Solo

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/08/20/photos-amelia-earhart-before-her-mysterious-disappearance/#ixzz25Fa8BchR

New York City Connection

Picture: A ticker tape parade for Amelia Earhart in New York City, following her landmark transatlantic flight in June 1932.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/08/20/photos-amelia-earhart-before-her-mysterious-disappearance/#ixzz25FboBWeW

Washington DC Connection

Picture: On June 21, 1932, American aircraft pilot Amelia Earhart receives the National Geographic Medal from U.S. President Herbert Hoover, in honor of her transatlantic flight, on the White House lawn in Washington, D.C. Standing on the left is Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor, President of the National Geographic Society. On the right is First Lady Lou Henry Hoover.

The First Woman to Receive the ‘Flying Cross’ Medal

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/08/20/photos-amelia-earhart-before-her-mysterious-disappearance/#ixzz25FhaU4Ci


Willow Grove, Pa Connection

Picture: American aviators Amelia Earhart and James G. Ray pose with a Pitcairn-Cierva PCA-2 autogyro before Earhart's first flight in the machine in Willow Grove, Penn., December 19, 1930. Earhart was the first woman ever to pilot an autogyro.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/08/20/photos-amelia-earhart-before-her-mysterious-disappearance/#ixzz25Fd7jIRd

 Venezuela Connection

Before she disappeared, Amelia stopped in this South American country on June 3, 1937 during her around the world flight. Click here to see this interesting documentary in Spanish.

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