Amelia Earhart and the 99’s

October 24, 2012 Articles Comments (0) 4755

The Ninety-Nines First President, Amelia Earhart

Some folks know little about the Ninety-Nines. The group may not be as famous as the number sixty-nine, or be likened to the football team the 49er’s, but they have a rich history in the world of aviation. Amelia Earhart became the first president of the small club founded in 1929 consisting of 99 daring female pilots.  A woman way ahead of her time, Amelia encouraged women to achieve at activities rarely if ever attempted before: travel alone, wear pants, drive a car, and even fly. In their own words the group “…promotes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight.”

The international organization has grown considerably. Women participate in the many events and enjoy the benefits of flying – in the words of Amelia – “for the fun of it.” They honor Amelia Earhart in many ways and have raised funds to renovate and maintain her family home (now a museum) in Atchison, Kansas.

We applaud the Ninety-Nines. Amelia’s spirit is in good hands.

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