Earhart’s Stepson-Crayola Connection

August 20, 2012 Articles Comments (2) 3836


George Palmer Putnam Jr. (step son of Amelia Earhart) and Robert “Bob” Wheeler 3/27/12


Did you know George Putnam Jr. (step-son of Amelia Earhart) was the heir to the Crayola Crayon (Binney) dynasty? Putnam talks about this in his video-taped interview entitled “Putnam Shares his Personal Memories” that can be seen on our website or on YouTube


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2 Responses to :
Earhart’s Stepson-Crayola Connection

  1. Bob says:

    We received this message from ,Jan de Jong Jakarta:

    Dear Bob,I wonder if ever is discovered what Amelia said in the
    radio message Betty was receiving…private belongings hidden in toiletcubboard..or like that and discovered by husband?

    If the message Betty received was really Amelia,we facing the fact that the Saipan theory cant be true cause there a several people saying
    that planded came down and 2 persons come out,not staying for days in the plane.
    However too many facts point all in direction “Saipan”
    Still uptill today the US gouvernment is unlawfull hiding info or “disappeared”in archive.
    Best Regards,Jan de Jong Jakarta

    1. Bob says:

      Dear Jan, you bring up some interesting points. We agree that there is a cover up on the part of both the US and Japan. We are still searching for the “truth”. There is too much reliable eye-witness testimony to ignore.Thanks for your input.

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