Google’s Doodle for Amelia Earhart

December 24, 2012 Acknowledging Amelia, Articles Comments (1) 1845

Google has honored Amelia’s 115th birthday with a new tee-shirt, now offered in their Doodle shop.


Wearing Amelia- what a great way to keep her alive!

One Response to :
Google’s Doodle for Amelia Earhart

  1. filo vance says:

    I wonder how many readers have seen the print of Amelia Earhart;s right hand? I believe she did this at an event where airmen & a few women pilots were having their thumb-prints taken for auctioning-off, as it was done on photographic glass-plate, and signed. It might make a really great T-shirt reprint as it must be available for such since the 25-yr. copy-write and 50-yr. public domain are well past. Of course, there are a hundred other pictures taken of, and by, Amelia Earhart, who was both an accomplished pilot and photographer (there’s even one showing AE taking a hand-held photo of the California Putnam house under renovation (for those readers who didn’t know of her ‘other passion’).
    It might surprise todays digital and cell-phone photo-takers that in the late ’20s & ’30s AE pioneered the taking of “SELFIES” (photos in which she became the subject), although then it was thru the perfocused set-up using tripod & self-timer, and a bit of haste to appear in them. While AE cannot be credited with inventing such, it was not a well-practised ‘art’ amonst photographers of the day.

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